OSLO: Sara Benincasa

Sara om seg selv:

Sara Benincasa is a comedian and writer based in Los Angeles, California, where she hosts the storytelling show «Family Hour with Auntie Sara» at the Nerdist Showroom at Meltdown Comics. She last performed in Oslo in 2010, when she brought her one-woman show, «Agorafabulous!» to the 2010 Fortellerfestivalen. In 2012, she published a memoir, also entitled «Agorafabulous!» Her next book, «Great,» a novel for young adults, will be published in the United States and the UK in 2014. A third novel for youth will follow in 2015. She writes a friendship advice column for Jezebel.com and contributes personal essays to XOJane.com.

Sara gjester også Oslo og Andre Historier med en internasjonal premiere på showet «Love and Other Indoor Sports» den 10. mai kl. 19.00. Det også på Det Andre Teatret.

Sara har svart på våre sedvanlige spørsmål. Vi er særlig fornøyd med det alternative navnet hun syntes Oslo ville passe under: «Sexy People With Excellent Bone Structure Towne.»

Hårfarge Red! But really brown.
Hva drømmer du om? Literally, I dream sometimes about flying. Other times about losing my teeth. One is probably about success, the other about anxiety and failure.
Hva slags følelser kommer opp i deg når du hører ordet scrapbooking? I went through a scrapbooking phase. Then I realized I’d prefer to forget certain things, so I threw a bunch of old photos and mementos away. I feel better having fewer material possessions (although I still have many).
Du vinner 40.000 på Bjerke Travbane. Hva bruker du pengene på? I’d pay down my student loans.
Bor du, eller har du bodd i Oslo? Og hvor var det? No, but if I did, I’d live in a treehouse in the Botanisk Hage.

Spørsmål om

Om du ikke har bodd i Oslo, hvorfor ikke? I was born and raised in a magical wonderland of fatty foods called the United States.
Er du fornøyd med Oslo som hovedstad? Convincing? Absolutely. I’m convinced! It’s way more fun than Washington, D.C., which is absolutely boring. Except for President Obama, who is delightful and handsome.
Hva er det aller beste med Oslo by? It’s obviously Norwegian in character, yet so international. You can get any kind of food you can possibly imagine. Because I am an American, I eat a lot of food. A LOT.
Finn et annet navn på Oslo som også kunne hatt fungert godt, men som kanskje ville gitt oss en ny identitet.

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